Thrifting for Kids' Items: A How-To Guide for Budget-Conscious Parent

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Kids mature quickly, outgrowing everything from their clothes to their furniture and toys. Budget-conscious parents know that buying items second-hand can be a great way to save money. Thrifting has also gained popularity in recent years as people recognize the benefits of upcycling used goods instead of always buying new items, thereby cutting down on landfill burden. That said, thrifting for children's items requires special considerations. 


Alphadorable helps parents create beautiful nurseries with custom handmade decor and art. This guide explains how to successfully buy second-hand kids items for the nursery. 


Know where to look for kids items 


Thrifting for kids items, especially furniture, requires some extra research. You can't just expect to walk into any second-hand shop and find what you're looking for. The internet is usually your best source of quality goods. Red Tri provides a roundup of online consignment shops specifically targeting kids. You can also check local yard sales and stores, especially in family-friendly neighborhoods. 


Make a list of what you need in advance 


When it comes to thrifting, it can get easy to get carried away. Jot down a list of the essentials you need first, ensuring you spend your budget wisely. Basic must-have items for any nursery include a bassinet, bedding, clothes hamper, changing table, storage baskets, rocking or nursing chair, and dresser. As your child gets older and more independently active, you may also want to invest in more toys. 


Keep an eye out for statement pieces that aren't on the "need" list 


While you should prioritize the essentials, be open to items beyond the basics. A statement piece can help make your child's nursery special. Examples could include a nice piece of wall art, a hanging mobile, or a rocking horse. Follow best practices when it comes to buying statement pieces, like focusing on quality. If you plan to sell your home later, the statement piece can serve as a value-boosting attraction for buyers. 


Steer clear of items you shouldn't buy second-hand 


Many baby essentials are okay to buy used, including goods like clothes, toys, and playpens. However, not all goods are suitable for second-hand use. Baby car seats, cribs, and crib mattresses are no-gos, according to Cube Smart. Car seats and cribs may not be safe if purchased second-hand. For example, if these goods are recalled, you have no way of knowing, since the recall happened in the past. Meanwhile, items like a baby mattress can be unsanitary when bought used, with issues like bed bugs. 


Check all thrift store goods for kids for safety reasons 


Even if you follow the do's and don'ts of safe thrifting for kids' items, you should carefully inspect all goods before allowing your child to access them. When looking at toys or furniture, check for peeling paint that could be picked off and ingested. Also keep an eye out for loose parts, sharp edges, or missing pieces. Saving money is great but not at the expense of your little one's well being. 


Know how to clean your thrift items for hygiene purposes 


Even if a thrift store item looks pristine, make sure to clean it before placing it in the nursery. Molly Maid has a comprehensive primer for cleaning kids' items. Soft items like toys, blankets, and clothing should be washed at a high temperature in the washing machine. Water-safe toys can go in the dishwasher, along with half-a-cup of bleach for sanitation. Wash furniture with soap and water, and then sanitize it using a water and vinegar mix. 


Furnishing a beautiful nursery doesn't have to break the bank. Use the guide above to create your dream nursery using second-hand goods. 


For more content on creating beautiful and functional nurseries, check out Alphadorable. 

Thanks to Aimee Lyons for the article. Visit for more DIY ideas!

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